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About Parus Real Estate LLC

Parus Real Estate LLC under NF Group Middle East brand is a licensed real estate agency located in Dubai and part of NF Group. With over 26 years of experience in the commercial and luxury residential real estate market, NF Group is one of the largest players in this industry in Russia, with its offices in Moscow, St. Petersbourg, and Instanbul. NF Group provides agency and consultancy services to private and corporate investors, tenants, developers, and other market participants in the segments of warehouse, office, retail, hotels, and luxury residential.

Life at Parus Real Estate LLC

Company life is quite dynamic, with steady grwoth and development. We ar always open to new opportunities and happy to embrace new joiners who can be add-on for the company.


Dubai Marina - Dubai - United Arab Emirates



The main remuneration scheme for company brokers is commission based

Commercial Real Estate Broker

Posted on : 19 Dec 2023