
How to develop team cohesiveness?

Jinjer santos    30 Jul 2021 10:44 AM

How to develop team cohesiveness?

The ability to work independently is important, however, being an effective employee does not only mean working alone but how well you communicate and collaborate with others.

In this article we are going to discuss how cohesiveness works in a team environment, the effects in the long-run and how to build and maintain it.

Team coordination is vital to each company as there are procedures that the employees in each department have to follow. These procedures should be synchronized to every individual’s responsibility to keep a smooth flow of process and to get better results. -- Cohesiveness starts here, where the interaction is and what help each member can provide.

The efficiency of team is determined on how strong the bond and understanding of each employee. Teamwork gives a big impact on projects. The better communication you have with another person, the greater the percentage that the result of any given task or assignment will eventually work out well.

It is not only the interaction between employees but the management towards their employees too. Employers should keep their people engaged on what is happening to the company especially at times where there are unexpected circumstances like the pandemic which hugely impacted the United Arab Emirates economy. Some businesses lay-off their workers, some closed down their companies and some still try to survive knowing that it is a struggle as owners to think how to pull through while considering their employees.

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Uncertainties lead people to stress and frustration. That is why it is a big help if employers have open communication with their employees, this will avoid misunderstandings and misconceptions to each other. Showing empathy is not a weakness but a strength that will upkeep the people to feel acknowledged and it will also help them to think about possible solutions rather than drowning themselves with worries that give rise to unproductiveness.

Here are a few suggestions to build a strong cohesiveness at work:

Open Communication

Engaging with one another is the best practice to have effective communication. Particularly at this time where some people are still working from home or anywhere else. Regardless of the location, communication is the key to understanding. Assert transparency and clearness to achieve unity.

Engaging Activities

Create events like team building that involve interaction with one another. This will help each individual to be more open, enthusiastic and productive. Set up activities that enhance interpersonal relationships and promote self-development.

Design Goals and Promote Empowerment

Constructing attainable goals in a precise and comprehensive manner is necessary. This is where the employer should know how to allocate tasks to the right person as functions vary to every individual to perform well in their jobs. If goals are well-planned and team members are organized, they will know their own purpose and will have the initiative to do their best.

Opt for Solutions over Arguments

Misunderstanding will always be there, but how your employees manage to resolve it in the workplace. If they choose to focus on the solutions instead of pushing arguments and blaming games, they will be able to overcome any conflicts and avoid the same to reoccur. 

Valuing Team Members Purpose

Considering where to designate a person in a department or giving activities to do should be done with great awareness. Some people or groups will not just start to work. Though this is something that each person can learn over time. It would be easier if the leader was able to recognize the capabilities of the employees. Expected outcome from the person whom they think best for that specific task will be seen even if it is urgent or there is a time frame given. They can always make way and provide better results.