Having a good and excellent employee is one of the assets of a company.
Whether it is a new or on-going business, an owner should get a qualified
candidate that will fit their criteria in terms of productivity and
profitability. When it comes to planning, management, and coordination, a good
employee can run a business smoothly in his own strategic and effective way.
These days, every employer has their own ways of finding the right
candidate. Mostly, they are coordinating with the recruiters. Where resumes
will be submitted through them and a pre-interview is also made to assess the
candidate’s knowledge, skills, and experiences. This is one way to check if an
individual fits with the employers’ requirements.
Though, other recruiters may already have their database that can be easily
shared with the employers when needed. But of course, this kind of thing is not
for free. They are paid for their services. But as the number of recruiter’s
increases, all applicants should be very careful especially when it is asking
for money or payment for your application. Note that there are some legit
agencies or manpower recruitment that hires candidates to help them look for a
job instead of looking on their own. And there are also some recruiters, which
most of the people called it “scammers”, which is posting fake jobs and
providing false information or details.
Back to finding the right employee – Other recruiters have a ready database
where employers can check each candidate’s profile. Usually, they have this
so-called “Job Portal” where job seekers can register, upload their resume and
apply with their desired jobs. Employers can also register, upload their
company profile and post the available jobs they have, to where they can state
all qualifications they require.
This also saves time when it comes in choosing the right candidates for a
specific job. Initial selection can be done by the recruitment agencyand will
share the options once they are done filtering candidates’ application based on
their client’s qualifications. But most of the time, the final interview and
chances of getting hired will still depend on the employers.
Here are some further pieces of advice that can help an employer to hire the
right candidateand make it his employee for his or her businesses:
Use LinkedIn to connect with candidates –Through this
social networking Application you can connect with candidates directly you can
see their previous work experiences and some personal information that can help
the employer to reach out to them.
Be Creative – Posting job vacancy can be easy for everyone
but being creative in posting job vacancy is a different case. Post your
available job in a way that the candidates (the right one) will be attracted
and will show their interest in applying for your company vacancy or to contact
you directly. Put your competitive salary range, company benefits and state the
company history and achievements.
Act Promptly – Most of the reason why employers are losing
the good candidates while on the process of hiring is because of the waiting
game that these candidates are facing. You have to stop spending unnecessary
time wasters along the process, communicate with the employees as quick as